Looking for Guidance on Using Advanced Orbital Mechanics to Optimise Space Missions

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m working on an endeavour right now that involves space mission optimisation, with an emphasis on making effective use of orbit mechanics. Our objective is to improve fuel efficiency and trajectory planning for both personnel and unmanned flights.

I have a few inquiries and would be very grateful for any feedback or understanding from the community.

Trajectory Optimisation: Which software programmes or methods work best for maximising spaceship trajectories at the moment? :thinking: Tools that can handle multi-body situations and utilise gravitational assistance greatly intrigue me.

Fuel Efficiency: During orbital transfers, how can we optimise fuel efficiency? :thinking: Exist any cutting-edge methods or new developments in propulsion technology that can aid in lowering fuel consumption? :thinking:

Orbital Insertion: Which techniques work best to achieve accurate orbital insertion? :thinking: Any advice on reducing the delta-v requirements without sacrificing the accomplishment of the mission’s goals? :thinking:

Examples & Case Studies: Could you provide any effective case studies or illustrations of how sophisticated orbital mechanics led to noticeably better mission outcomes? :thinking: I’m searching for in-depth evaluations or reports that demonstrate how these methods can be used in real-world situations.

Last but not least, is there anyone who can suggest in-depth learning materials (books, courses on the internet, research papers) that address orbital mechanics & mission optimisation in detail? :thinking:

I also followed this :point_right: https://space.stackexchange.com/questions/27058/can-someone-give-me-a-trajectory-optimisation-for-dummies-sap-analytics

I can’t wait to gain knowledge from this community’s experiences and expertise. Your suggestions will be very helpful to us as we move on with this project and to the larger area of space exploration.

Thank you :pray: in advance.